The Foundation

Behind the Name
Xander was known for his love of life. his contagious smile, zany personality, and especially his kindness. At Xander's celebration of life Xander's father, Brian stood on the stage and said to everyone with arms wide open "Let's all live like Xander and do random acts of kindness!" Since then, this hás become our family motto and we try to do this every day of our lives.
Xander's parents, Denise and Brian Kuchinski, had cards printed with his name, picture and the phrase Acts of Kindness on it. Since Xander's passing in 2015, Denise and Brian have handed out over 3000 of those cards and asked strangers, friends and family to do acts of kindness, pass the card on, and keep the ripple of kindness going in the world in Xander's name.
When it came time for Denise to start a foundation in Xander's memory, the only name that made sense was the Xander's Acts Of Kindness Foundation.
With every act of kindness given, a ripple of healing and love goes out into the world like ripples on a pond, keeping Xander's name alive and creating joy and happiness in the hearts of children with cancer.